JJ Da Boss Net Worth

JJ da boss Tricia Day and family

JJ Da Boss, real name Jonathan Day, was born on August 10th 1973 in Memphis Tennessee. JJ Da Boss is an American car racer, who is best known for his appearance on the reality TV show ““Street Outlaw Memphis”. With all his success, what is his net worth?

JJ Da Boss Net Worth and Bio

So, how much is JJ Da Boss worth? He has an estimated net worth of $1.2 million. For a living, he earns money through car racing, TV appearances and his clothing brand, “Memphis Street Racer”

JJ gradauted from Rivercrest highschool in 1992. He is reportedly 5ft 9 inches (175m) tall and weighs 176 pounds (80kg).

Little is known about JJ’s family, other than his father was a roofer. JJ is married to fellow street racer Tricia Day and they have 4 children together. People often ask if there is a large age difference between the couple, but even though Tricia has not formally announced her date of birth, she is still believed to also currently be in her 40’s. She is very short and light leading many people to think she is younger than she is. In total, JJ has 11 children, including 7 that were born before he married Tricia.

JJ spent 8 years in jail for undisclosed reasons.

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