Pharmacists are there to safely distribute your medication to you. Their salary doesn’t change much compared to that of others in the medical field. Regardless of how much or how little experience a pharmacist has they will make roughly a $102,850 yearly salary. That number may rise slightly for someone with more experience but usually not enough to make a notable difference. That might even be enough to help you afford some Gucci clothes, or an expensive car.

Median Salaries
For 2014 the median salary of U.S. pharmacists is $121,142. It has been reported that half of U.S. pharmacists still make less than that. This is an improvement over the average salary of $116,670 per year as of 2012. That translates to an hourly rate of $56.09. In 2013 the average salary of a pharmacist in the U.S. was $114,950. However, of all the U.S. pharmacists those in the lower pay range make no more than $89,280 every year. Those in the higher pay range (which equals 10% of all U.S. pharmacists) make more than $145,910. That translates to those in the top 10% earning an hourly rate of $70.15 and those in the bottom 10% earning an hourly rate of $42.93.
Workplace Salaries
The salary of a pharmacist tends to vary according to where they work. Those pharmacists working in the industry of medical manufacturing tend to make a higher salary than pharmacists who work in other environments. While these pharmacists earn an average salary of $123,680, those working in an outpatient center generally earn a salary of $120,310 and those working in a doctor’s office earn a salary of $119,250 every year. Pharmacists that work in a general public hospital earn an average of $131,180 per year. Those working at a grocery store as a pharmacist earn $111,040 and those working for a drug wholesaler earn a $112,490 salary.
Pharmacists Salaries By State
Some states pay their pharmacists more than others. The best paid pharmacists live and work in Alaska, making $129,170 per year. Maine pays their pharmacists $128,030 per year and California pays their pharmacists $125,800 in yearly salaries. Alabama pays their pharmacists $120,130 per year and Tennessee pays them a yearly salary of $117,970. Pharmacists in Texas earn $115,780 per year and Florida pays their pharmacists a yearly salary of $113,590.

Pharmacists Salaries By Position
As of June of 2014, pharmacists that work as a hospital technician in the U.S. generally earn $29,000 a year while transplant pharmacists make $191,000 per year. A U.S. outpatient pharmacy tech earns an average salary of $34,000. Oncology pharmacists generally earn a yearly salary of $117,000 in the U.S. Those that work as a mail order pharmacy technician earn $29,000 per year.
No matter where they work, pharmacists work hard to provide us with the service of safely dispensing much needed medication to people all over the country. Each of them earns the salary they are paid as being a pharmacy requires them to be very thorough and detail oriented. Pharmacists do their part to help people feel better.