In August 2020 records were smashed when a variegated minima sold for $5,300, however in June 2021 all records were smashed again.

An online bidding war erupted again in New Zealand, resulting in this house plant selling for NZ$27,000 or US$19,000.
The plant is the extremely rare white variegated rhaphidophora tetrasperma or known as “mini monstera”. With only 4 minutes to go, bidding on the NZ website Trademe escalated between bidder “foliage_patch” and, the eventual winner “meridianlamb”. A total of 248 bids were received.
Trade Me auction site spokesperson Millie Silvester, said “The rare plant had over 102,000 views and more than 1600 watch lists, which just goes to show how much Kiwis adore house plants”.
The description of the plant, provided by the seller reads, “This plant has eight leaves with the ninth just about to uncurl. Each leaf has excellent variegation as does the stem and is well rooted in a 14cm pot”.
You can read more about these amazing plants in the book “Variegated Plants: The Encyclopedia of Patterned Foliage by Susan Conder“
Old Post: August 2020
US$5,300 House Plant
A New Zealand botanist has sold their quite humble looking variegated minima plant for NZ$8,150 (US$5,300) after it sparked a bidding war on popular NZ website Trade Me.

The Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, or philodendron minima, started with a $1 reserve, but sold for considerably more, on August 16th 2020.
Variegated plants, meaning they are exhibiting different colours, are both rarer and slower to grow than regular plants.
The plant was described as “extremely rare”, and “currently has four leaves with stunning yellow variegation on every leaf”.
Variegation rarely occurs in nature because it is not good for the plant.
The variation is keenly sought by collectors, so horticulturists try to cultivate plants that accentuate the un-natural patterning.
You can read more about these amazing plants in the book “Variegated Plants: The Encyclopedia of Patterned Foliage by Susan Conder“