Sneakers (also called trainers, athletic shoes, gym shoes, kicks, sport shoes, running shoes, or runners) are shoes mainly designed for wearing while playing sports or some other type of physical exercise. They are now generally used for everyday casual wear. You can probably pick up a pair for $10 at Walmart, or a unique pair like the “Leonard Hilton McGurr ‘Futura’“, but these are the most expensive sneakers in the world.

Top 10 Most Expensive Sneakers In The World
Nike Air Mags – $37,500
Nike Air Force One – $50,000
Nike Air Yeezy 1 – $50,000
Autographed Nike Air Jordan – $60,000
Drake‘s Air Jordan 12S – $77,000
Michael Jordan’s ‘Flu Game’ Air Jordan – $104,765
Michael Jordan’s Gold Medal Winning Converse – $190,373
Nike Air Mags with Power Laces – $200,000
The Fire Monkey Sneakers – $4,000,000
Nike Air Jeezy 2 (Red October) – $17,000,000
In this video we’ll try to answer the following questions: Which are the most expensive sneakers? Which are the most expensive Jordans? Which are the most expensive Yeezys? Who makes the most expensive sneakers? Where can you buy the most expensive sneakers?